
Beauty and the Bike

Aquest curtmetratge de 8 minuts del documental Beauty and the Bike explora el món de la mobilitat en bicicleta al Regne Unit partint de la pregunta de per què les noies deixen d'anar en bicicleta:
"Why do British girls stop cycling? By simply asking this basic question, the film reveals the damage that has been done by 50 years of car-centric transport policies. Whilst we fill our lives with debates about risk assessment, cycle helmets, cycle training and marketing strategies to try to persuade people to cycle more, the basic barriers to cycling remain untouched - generous urban planning towards the car, and the resultant poor motorist behaviour towards cyclists. Is it any wonder that most people find cycling unattractive in the UK, but attractive in cycling-friendly towns and cities? It's the infrastructure, stupid!"

1 comentari:

jlbcn ha dit...

Yo he visto por Bcn alguna chica con tacones en bici. Nada comodo supòngo, pero realmente beauty.